Foundation and history

Waste management company Elkolekt DOO Skopje is a non-profit oriented limited liability company, established in 2014. It is run under the supervision of the Supervisory Board and the Shareholders’ Board.

Elkolekt DOO Skopje together with its members works intensively on organizing a system for managing waste electric and electronic equipment, informing end users about the need for separate collection of waste, organizing collection centres, and undertaking activities to indicate the need for reuse, recovery and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment. The company’s activity is aimed at achieving the national goals for collection, recovery, reuse and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and reducing possible negative impacts on human health and environment. Elkolekt DOO Skopje covers the whole geographical area of the Republic of North Macedonia with its activities.

Legal background

  1. Law on management with electric and electronic equipment and waste electric and electronic equipment (OG of RNM No. 176/21, 73/24). The first Law on management with electric and electronic equipment and waste electric and electronic equipment entered into force in 2012. In 2021, the Government adopted a new Law in full compliance with the WEEE Directive.
  2. Law on extended producer responsibility for special waste streams (OG of RNM No. 215/21)

Founding members

  1. Pakom Kompani DOOEL Skopje
  2. ITD Distribucija DOO Skopje
  3. Pan Evropa LTD Zoran DOOEL Bitola
  4. Frigotehnika 2000 DOOEL Bogovinje
  5. Frigo Teknika-Bei DOO Bogovinje
  6. Neokom AD Skopje
  7. Fila Grupa DOO Skopje
  8. Euro-Trejd-A.M. Neat DOOEL Tetovo
  9. Koni-Kopi DOO Skopje
  10. Airkon DOO Skopje
  11. Zec-Elektroniks DOOEL Skopje
  12. Evi International DOOEL Skopje
  13. Intek Sistem DOO Skopje

Financing system

The WEEE system is financed by producers. Producers pay a monthly financial contribution, which is calculated on the basis of the amount of products placed on to the market.

Collection/logistics system and treatment partners

Elkolekt developed a nationwide WEEE collection system, which made the company the largest PRO for WEEE in the country. The system covers 27 out of 81 Local Self Government Units (LSGUS) and Elkolekt cooperates with 23 Public Utility Companies (PUC). Elkolekt collects WEEE only from LSGUS thanks to their signed agreement. Upon received information from the LSGU or PUC, Elkolekt arranges with a transportation company to collect the WEEE and transport it to one of the contracted treatment facilities. Elkolekt’s system has so far more than 500 collection points for the separate collection of WEEE, which consist of:

  • 13 Collection centres,
  • 51 Warehouses,
  • 19 E-containers,
  • 54 Metal containers and
  • 457 plastic bins

Elkolekt at present is working with seven treatment facilities.

Management systems

Elkolekt has implemented Integrated Management System ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.


Categories covered

LHHAfully covered
SHHAfully covered
IT&Tfully covered
CEfully covered
Lightingnot covered
Toolsfully covered
Toys/Leisure/Sportsfully covered
Medical devicesfully covered
M&Cfully covered
Autom. Disp.fully covered
PV Panelsfully covered




North Macedonia

System Manager:

Fana Hristovska


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The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

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