
“Materia Viva Experience” the first immersive exhibition dedicated to the environment, circular economy, and e-waste opened in Rome.

On 14th October, Erion WEEE inaugurated, at the Coffee House of Palazzo Colonna in Rome, “Materia Viva Experience,” the first immersive exhibition dedicated to the environment, the circular economy, and Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The goal is to engage visitors in an informative journey on the proper recycling of WEEE. Thanks to the high documentary value of the images used and the inclusion of highly interactive installations, the experience will not only raise awareness but also strongly encourage the adoption of virtuous behaviours.

The opening event of the exhibition, held in the presence of institutions, partners, and stakeholders, featured Luca Perri, astrophysicist and science communicator, who presented a talk titled “All Smoke, Earth Roasting,” reflecting on the importance of culture in achieving a real ecological transition.

Launched in conjunction with International E-Waste Day, celebrated annually on October 14, “Materia Viva Experience” aims to offer a true multisensory adventure where smell, sight, hearing, and touch play leading roles.

The exhibition is sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy, RAI for ESG Sustainability, the Metropolitan City of Rome Capital, Rome Capital, and Ama Roma S.p.A., and it is promoted by Legambiente, Giffoni Innovation Hub, and Libero Produzioni, with media partnerships with Rai Cultura, National Geographic Italy, and Economiacircolare.com.

“We are thrilled to present ‘Materia Viva Experience,’ an innovative experience created to emotionally and rationally engage people: the goal is to help each of us understand the positive and negative impact that our choices can have on the Planet, thus encouraging us to adopt virtuous behaviours. Raising awareness among citizens, especially the younger generation, on these topics is essential to building a sustainable future. Culture has the power to transform reality, and we hope this exhibition can contribute to the transition to a circular economy. I sincerely thank all the partners and institutions that supported ‘Materia Viva Experience,’ because only together can we make a difference for the benefit of citizens and the environment,” says Giorgio Arienti, General Director at Erion WEEE.

“This exhibition,” says Gilberto Pichetto, Minister of Environment and Energy Security, “is an example of how the power of images can help strengthen collective awareness of environmental protection. The circular economy,” the minister concludes, “needs the virtuous behaviours of citizens to increasingly become a winning element of the transition.”

“The exhibition ‘Materia Viva Experience,’ which we have believed in from the very beginning, has the ability, through its interactive language combining art, culture, and the environment, to reach a broad audience and give them a tangible experience of the world of WEEE. This is why – comments Giorgio Zampetti, General Director at Legambiente – we are convinced it can make an important and valuable contribution to informing citizens, starting with the younger generation, encouraging them to become more conscientious and active in their daily choices and in the recycling of WEEE. Proper recycling of Electrical and Electronic Equipment allows the recovery of valuable materials, including Critical Raw Materials, which are currently scarce in Europe. In our country, there is still too little information on these issues; people don’t know where to dispose of or how to recycle electronic waste, and illegal behaviours are often the cause of their abandonment in the environment. This is why it is essential to plan more widespread awareness and information campaigns across the entire territory, which is the main goal of ‘Materia Viva Experience,’ an initiative strongly supported and endorsed by our association.”

“As National Geographic Italy, we are proud to be part of this initiative because we have long been committed to raising awareness among our readers on the issue of waste. We’ve done this,” declares Marco Cattaneo, Director at National Geographic Italy, “first with a campaign titled *Planet or Plastic?*, which led to a successful exhibition displayed at the Chamber of Deputies, and more recently by publishing an in-depth article exposing the waste produced by fast fashion. In a few months, we will also present our readers with a feature on the extraction of critical raw materials, which usually come from unsafe countries where workers face indiscriminate exploitation. So, we are here because it’s the right place to be.”

“Giffoni Innovation Hub enthusiastically supports the immersive exhibition ‘Materia Viva Experience’ because we firmly believe that not only cinema but all artistic languages are essential tools for raising awareness among young people and citizens towards virtuous behaviours. The creative industries play a crucial role in this process, inspiring and educating the new generations. Through these expressive forms, we can foster collective commitment to leaving a better world for future generations,” says Luca Ruju, General Director at Giffoni Innovation Hub.

Browse the gallery: L’evento di inaugurazione di “Materia Viva Experience” – Erion


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

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