

    Organisation Name:

    Foncham International

    Organisation website:

    Visit the website


    Buea and Douala




    14-15 October 2022


    Workshop, Public Campaign - Radio news

    Description: To commemorate the first ever International E-Waste Day,  Foncham International will be carrying-out a sensitization campaign on the concept of a circular economy in which repair, reuse and recycling of electronic goods and equipment are key to handle resources responsibly.

    The main activity will involve going to some selected public and private schools to sensitize and creating awareness to the population on the best practices in E-waste management including emphasis to recycle or take back E-wastes to FI collection Hubs as well as the environmental and health hazards associated with the improper disposals of improper E-waste.



    Organisation Name:

    Solidarité Technologique

    Organisation website:

    Visit the website







    30 September 2019 : Awareness-raising by means of posters in schools and installation of drums for collecting WEEE 07 October 2019 : First open house day + Receipt of WEEE drums October 14, 2019 : Second open house day + Receipt of WEEE drums October 17, 2019: awareness raising (PowerPoint presentation + Dismantling workshop) From September 30, 2019 to October 23, 2019: Communication on social networks


    School campaign or collection

    Description: We have planned as activities to raise awareness in schools. We targeted 03 schools (01 primary and 02 secondary).
    More specifically, we will do:
    - A PowerPoint presentation presenting the WEEE and exposing the dangers of WEEE and their importance for the circular economy through recycling.
    - A workshop during which equipment will be dismantled and the various components will be highlighted according to their dangerous or valuable nature
    - Collection drums for small WEEE will be placed in the facilities.
    - Open days are also organized to receive students at the D3E Technological Solidarity processing centre

    Organisation Name:

    Solidarité Technologique

    Organisation website:

    Visit the website







    5, 13, 7, 14 et 21 Octobre 2020.


    Public Campaign - Social media

    Description: Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale des D3E, édition 2020, Solidarité Technologique organise des Journées Portes Ouvertes au centre de Recyclage des D3E. Nous ferons aussi des caravanes de collectes de D3E au cours desquelles, nous sensibiliserons la population sur les dangers et les opportunités des D3E. Enfin, nous formerons 02 associations de jeunes potentiels pré-collecteurs de déchets ménagers à une bonne gestion environnementale et sécuritaire des D3E.

    Concernant la sensibilisation auprès des établissements scolaires de Yaoundé, elle aura lieu en fin 2020, la rentrée académique ayant été retardée au Cameroun, notamment à cause de la Covid-19.

    Nos activités seront publiées sur nos réseaux sociaux et un rapport sera rédigé pour le WEEE Forum.

    Organisation Name:

    Solidarité Technologique

    Organisation website:

    Visit the website







    24 Septembre au 28 Octobre 2021


    Workshop, School campaign or collection, Public Campaign - Social media, Business collection

    Description: Dans le cadre de la 4ème édition de la Journée Internationale des D3E, Solidarité Technologique organisera :

    • Des campagnes de sensibilisation dans les Ă©tablissements scolaires suivis de quizz et des collectes scolaires

    • Des campagnes de collectes gratuites auprès de quelques entreprises,

    • Des JournĂ©es Portes Ouvertes au Centre de Recyclage des D3E,

    • Des caravanes de collectes de D3E auprès des mĂ©nages, au cours desquelles, nous sensibiliserons les consommateurs sur l’importance d’assurer une Ă©limination correcte de leurs Ă©quipements Ă©lectroniques en fin de vie.

    Nous participerons à un apéro Vert organisé par CODENOR pour sensibiliser les étudiants sur la valorisation des D3E,

    Nos activités seront publiées sur nos réseaux sociaux et un rapport sera rédigé pour le WEEE Forum.

    Tout ceci se fera dans le strict respect des mesures barrières contre la COVID-19


    The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

    Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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    Working From_The Hoxton
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