WF RepTool Logo

Reporting of WEEE treatment results

A new improved version of the tool will be available soon. Stay tuned!

When the WEEE Forum was created, in 2002, it soon became clear that reporting e-waste treatment results had to be harmonised to make them comparable. The WEEE Forum Reporting Tool is a database application that determines e-waste treatment results in a transparent and traceable manner. It is aligned with the WEEELABEX and CENELEC 50625 series requirements. Current users of WF-RepTool are e-waste Producer responsibility organisations (WEEE PROs) and e-waste treatment operators.

WF-RepTool allows users to:
  • calculate e-waste recycling and recovery rates using a harmonized system,
  • monitor output fractions downstream until end of waste status,
  • determine depollution results,
  • collect data on e-waste material composition,
  • construct their own flowcharts covering the whole chain of their e-waste treatment processes in one click,
  • report and document treatment performance and results to third parties like governments, auditors and PROs.
Rep Tool New
WF-RepTool is a WEEE Forum product, currently under revision. PROs and treatment plants can buy a license and use the software that is based on a black box. WEEE Forum members have granted free access to a lite version. A demo version of the current tool is available to test. More information on the tool, types of licenses and pricing is available on WF-RepTool's website.