International Association of Electronic Waste Producer Responsibility Organisations

Tackling the e-waste challenge

Industry guidance on waste lithium batteries

ECOSWEEE Project Unlocks Best Practices for Small E-Waste and Batteries Collection

#PROsAtWork | “Sure, you can!”: 100 videos on appliances’ repair and maintenance by ZEOS

#PROsAtWork | Poland: “Center for ElectroEcology”: Educating for a Sustainable Future

#PROsAtWork | WEEE Ireland’s Spin on Black Friday

When the world goes on an e-waste hunt – over 160 organisations celebrated International E-Waste Day

#PROsAtWork | Erion WEEE inaugurated the first immersive exhibition dedicated to the environment

E-waste Experts Urge Public: Stop Trashing Electronic Products with Ordinary Garbage

#PROsAtWork | Erion and Rare Earth Recycling: New-RE and INSPIREE Projects

Join the E-Waste Hunt – Retrieve, Recycle, and Revive! International E-Waste Day 2024 to focus on electronic items forgotten at the bottom of our drawers

14 October 2024 | International E-Waste Day
Join the E-Waste Hunt - Retrieve, Recycle, and Revive!
This year’s edition run under the slogan “Join the e-waste hunt - retrieve, recycle, and revive!” and focused on the unused electronics that people store in their homes without realising these items contain valuable materials that could gain a new life.
160 organizations from 47 countries officially registered, and countless more took part, organising diverse communication activities.
Our members
There are currently 51 members of the WEEE Forum. These members are not-for-profit WEEE producer responsibility organisations (or ‘producer compliance schemes’) mainly in Europe, but we have recently expanded globally and are now pleased to include members from six different continents.
Our members represent electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers covering the whole spectrum of production from small electronic devices, such as cellphones, through to large household appliances like refrigerators and other large items, for example photovoltaic panels.
Collected WEEE
Since the foundation of the WEEE Forum in 2002, its producer responsibility organisations have collected, de-polluted and recycled or sent for preparation for re-use 44.9 million tonnes of WEEE. More than 3.3 million tonnes of this was collected in 2023.
In addition, our members operate over 200,000 WEEE collection points and two thirds of them are market leaders in their countries.

EU Waste Rules are in Need of a Radical Rethink
On 25 July 2024, the European Commission called on all Member States to meet waste collection and recycling targets; its letters of formal notice to the Member States underline their legal obligation to properly and fully implement EU environmental law. Whilst the WEEE Forum acknowledges that much more waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) must be separately collected for responsible management and to recover (critical) materials, we also believe that it highlights the need to thoroughly revise waste legislation.