International Association of Electronic Waste Producer Responsibility Organisations
Tackling the e-waste challenge
#PROsAtWork | Learn more from Prof. Naoko Tojo one of the world’s greatest experts on the topic of Extended Producer Responsibility
EU Waste Rules are in Need of a Radical Rethink
#PROsAtWork | Elektrowin’s „Focused on Electro“ Campaign
International E-Waste Day 2024: Join the E-Waste Hunt – Retrieve, Recycle, and Revive!
#PROsAtWork | Karo Sambhav’s Impact on India’s Evolving EPR Landscape
#PROsAtWork | Let the magic spread! FOTOKIKLOSI new awareness campaign
WEEE Forum closes the year with 52 members
#PROsAtWork | WEEE: Where did it go?
Invisible e-waste unveiled – International E-Waste Day proves success once again!
#PROsAtWork | CERES – Circular innovation Ecosystem REdesigning Skills
EPR Grand Challenge | 20 years on
The WEEE Forum turned 20 in 2022 and so did the WEEE Directive. Many reasons to celebrate, but also to reflect on the past and ponder the future.
On 7 December 2022, we gathered over 170 experts representing all the actors of the e-waste value chain at the WEEE Forum's EPR Grand Challenge Conference, to discuss the next steps for global EPR.
14 October 2024 | International E-Waste Day
Join the E-Waste Hunt - Retrieve, Recycle, and Revive!
This year’s edition runs under the slogan “Join the e-waste hunt - retrieve, recycle, and revive!” focusing on the unused electronics that people store in their homes without realising these items contain valuable materials that could gain a new life.
Our members
There are currently 52 members of the WEEE Forum. These members are not-for-profit WEEE producer responsibility organisations (or ‘producer compliance schemes’) mainly in Europe, but we have recently expanded globally and are now pleased to include members from six different continents.
Our members represent electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers covering the whole spectrum of production from small electronic devices, such as cellphones, through to large household appliances like refrigerators and other large items, for example photovoltaic panels.
Collected WEEE
Since their founding, the producer responsibility organisations of the WEEE Forum have collected, de-polluted and recycled or sent for preparation for re-use 41.6 million tonnes of WEEE. More than 3.1 million tonnes of this was collected in 2022.
In addition, our members operate over 183,000 WEEE collection points and two thirds of them are market leaders in their countries.