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14th of october - also in the days before and after


Public Campaign - Internet news


We will establish a landing page containing information on e-waste - both globally and Danish.


The page will also have information regarding Elreturs mission to retrieve, recycle and revive. We have a very concrete example in our to recycling facilities that aim to recycle 60.000 pieces of electronics yearly.


Also there has just been a new survey that shows more than half of all Danes have old electronics hidden away. We will also highlight these new finds on the page as well as information regarding what happens when things dont get recycled.


To encourage people we will create guides to clean their electronics of personal information before handing it over to recycling. We will also focus on our repair collaborators and how they work with recycling.


With the landingpage as foundation we will make newsletters encouraging our readers to participate on the 14th and spread the word. We will also make a consumer focused press campaign as well as posts on social media.


In terms of grafics we will use the one provided by WEEE Forum as well as our own showing examples of electronics to hand in.





The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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