
    WEEE Forum member

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    Social media, Public Campaign - TV news, News release

    Description: 14 October is the International Electronic Waste Day, i.e. the International E-Waste Day, aimed at instructing people all over the world to dispose of their broken and unused devices correctly. This year, Estonia is stepping up the initiative with the installation titled LIGHTHOUSE created by the artist Elo Liiv using e-waste that is to open at the central square of Telliskivi Creative City to show us the way to a more environmentally friendly future. The installation can be viewed both during the day and in the evening when an interesting light show lights up as the darkness falls. And, most importantly, you can participate in this great work of art, too! To participate, bring your broken or unused home appliance or light bulb to the container found at Telliskivi Creative City on 12–13 October.

    After the installation, we’d like to show you the documentary film titled Welcome to Sodom that has won several international awards. The film will screen at the CLUB OF DIFFERENT ROOMS in Telliskivi on 14 October at 12:00–13:30. It is a gloomy and enchanting film about life in a Ghanaian landfill where tonnes of illegally handled e-waste from all over the world end up. The documentary created by the Austrian directors Florian Weigensamer and Christian Krönes is a timeless apocalypse, but it encourages us to change our behaviour here and now. Trailer:

    According to the UN, only 20% of the global e-waste is recycled each year. This means that 40 million tonnes of e-waste are either landfilled, incinerated, disposed of in non-standard ways or traded illegally. Legislation on e-waste cover 66% of the world’s population. Illegal shipments of waste and handling thereof causes major health, environmental and social problems is developing countries and across the planet.

    Estonian residents generate about 25 tonnes of e-waste per day. By directing these to correct collection points through and from there into recycling, we can save copious amounts of various raw materials for both Estonia as well as the whole planet Earth and increase the sustainability of the environment we will be leaving to our children.

    Handle e-waste responsibly!
    If you don’t know where to take your e-waste, visit KUHUVIIA.EE.
    WEEE Forum member

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    14 October to 15 November


    Public Campaign - Internet news, Public Campaign - TV news, News release, Social media, School campaign or collection, Business campaign Internet news, Public Campaign - Radio news, Print media

    Description: The Future Began Yesterday campaign

    Target group: adolescents 16-22(26) y

    WEEE Forum member

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    MTÜ EES-Ringlus

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    14 Oct- 12 Dec 2021


    Public Campaign - Internet news,

    Description: Sharing information materials on our website, among our organisation members (producers) and using it in our information campaign (starts appr. on 15 November and lasts unti 12 December).


    The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

    Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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