On 13 and 14 May 2019 nearly 40 representatives of the WEEE Forum members gathered in Basel, Switzerland, for the spring General Assembly session. The meetings, hosted by our two Swiss members, SENS eRecycling and SWICO, included the Board, the Operations Committee, a field trip to the fridge recycling plant Oeko-Service Schweiz AG in Rheinfelden and the General Assembly.
The Operations Committee turned to be very successful as the agenda covered many topics of interest to the Technical Managers of our Producer Responsibility Organisations. The discussion covered issues such as capacitors in WEEE, the Scavenging Observatory, the WEEE Forum WEEE Collection platform, updates on our Operations Task Forces and Working Groups as well as members’ projects.
As the WEEE Forum’s hands on voice is crucial in shaping the Commission’s Guidance for Extended Producer Responsibility schemes, we invited Mark Hilton from Eunomia, a consultancy preparing the study, to the General Assembly. The in-depth discussions covered the eco-modulation of the EPR fees, the notion of ‘necessary costs’, equal treatment and the issue of countering online free-riding.
Among other institutional matters, the General Assembly decided to host the 2020 WEEE Forum Conference in Switzerland (more information about this event will follow in the coming months). Members discussed the recast of the articles of association to be approved in November this year. The proposed amendments will prepare the WEEE Forum for the requirements of the new Code regarding companies and associations.
The next WEEE Forum session is planned for 19-20 September 2019 in Mestre, Italy.
The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.
Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.
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