María Anta
Technical Advisor
María Anta has been part of the Technical Department of the WEEE Forum since January 2018. María currently participates as Technical Advisor in the following on-going H2020 European projects: C-SERVEES, ORAMA and COLLECTORS. She also works on other initiatives of the WEEE Forum, such as the Information for Recyclers Platform (I4R platform) and LibraWEEE.
Prior to joining the WEEE Forum, she worked as a Project Technician at the Fundación Biodiversidad, an environmental organisation of the Spanish Government, and subsequently became Project Manager at FIDA, the foundation for environmental affairs of the Regional Government of Madrid, where her work focussed on projects related to municipal waste management.
María completed her degree in Marine Sciences at the University of Vigo, Spain, in 2000 and holds two master’s degrees, one in Environmental Management (2001, Tajamar College, Madrid) and the other in Climate Risks and Environmental Impact (2001, Complutense University, Madrid).
She speaks Spanish (native) and English.