
Organisation Name:

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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12-14-19 October


News release, Social media, Workshop, Public Campaign - Social media

Description: On the 12th October, ITU will publish the Paper on ‘Internet Waste’ developed in collaboration with the WEEE Forum. The paper focuses on e-waste derived from ICT infrastructure equipment with examples from data centres, mobile networks and Internet of Things. The main objective is to raise awareness of the ICT infrastructure that supports connectivity and provoke thought into sustainable waste management practices.

On the 14th October, ITU together with UN Environment will launch a campaign using the hashtag #endEwaste to to encourage TikTok young users to join the challenge and record themselves doing an e-waste treasure hunt at their own /family homes, or even workplaces. The idea is to promote a challenge where the person will be recorded searching for small electronic devices that are in her/his place and they are no longer being used or functioning. This person will also show what people are supposed to do with them afterwards:

  • Reuse, donate or sell if the device is still working.

  • Check if your electronic device manufacturer has a buy-back program (for an upgrade) or a take-back recycling program.

  • If the device is not working, see if it can be repaired for reuse.

  • If the device cannot be repaired, find a responsible local recycler or a drop-off point.

ITU invites individuals, businesses, NGOs and UN organizations to partner up on this challenge and help us spread the awareness on e-waste through TikTok.

On October 14th as International E-waste Day falls on World Standards Day, ITU will publish an article to raise awareness on e-waste and reflect on the theme of “protect our planet with standards”. ITU will promote the release of the ‘Internet Waste’ thought paper and link to e-waste day as well.

On the 19th October, ITU and the WEEE Forum will organized the ‘Internet Waste Dialogue’ webinar. The aim of the webinar is to discuss the opportunities and challenges of end-of-life management of infrastructure equipment that enables connectivity. We will have a discussion with different panel representatives from across the supply chain. The webinar will target stakeholders involved in the management of B2B infrastructure e-waste within industry, academia and international organisations.
WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:

SENS eRecycling

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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October till December 2020


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Description: After a very big success from our pilot in 2019 and in honor of the International eWaste Day, the Swiss Postal Service (Die Post) and SENS eRecycling are for the second time jointly launching a project for the collection of small appliances in private households. We encourage people to dispose their old electronic devices with this new collection option. We have defined several test regions for this second pilot – rural and urban, in different cantons in Switzerland. Starting on October, 14th, the collection for private households will be running for four months. The first step in the communication process is the sending out of a mailing, including an example of the collection bag. People then have the opportunity to dispose of their electronic waste by putting the old devices in the mailbag and the bag into their letter box. DIE Post will then collect the bags and bring them to one of our recycling partners. In addition to schools and people within the test region, the media (press) will be informed. Furthermore, we are going to promote the project on our website and through social media and are planning a launch event. After the good results from 2019, we hope to further increase the convenience in collection as well as the collection rate. After this second pilot project, we hope to be able to define a new way of collection with the highest possible convenience for all private households. And, of course, we want to promote and raise awareness for the International eWaste Day.
WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Switzerland is currently considering a new approach to WEEE - a change in politics that may affect Swico Recycling in numerous ways. We therefore do not launch any specific actions for the International e-Waste Day, but will use Social Media to alert people about the topic.

Organisation Name:

International Trade Centre

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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14 October 2020


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: ITC’s tech sector development project team will perform a small social media campaign that will feature startups / SMEs beneficiaries that focus on e-waste. They provide a quote on their passion for the business/why e-waste is important and a picture. The images will air on the 14th of October on the projects social media channels and ITCs Twitter account.


Organisation Name:

Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions

Organisation website:

Visit the website

Activity website:

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October 2020


MOOC on E-waste; Technical Guidelines on ESM of E-waste; other resources on E-waste

Description: The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions is delighted to participate in, and spread the word about, International E-Waste Day 2020, and wish every success to the WEEE Forum in raising awareness of this critical E-waste challenge.

For more information on E-waste, including the Basel Convention's agreed Technical Guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste, and the recently re-launched second version of the successful Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the E-waste Challenge, please see our website or follow our twitter feed @brsmeas.

Global Agreements for a Healthy Planet

In addition, in the context of the celebrations for the International E-waste Day, 2020, we would like to invite you to participate in an E-waste Challenge MOOC live event. The webinar sessions will include a lecture on e-waste inclusive recycling by Ms. Sonia Valdivia from the World Resources Forum. Come and learn how the new E-waste challenge MOOC has been updated and is proposed in five mini-courses. This lecture is part of course five on e-waste sustainable recycling practices.

Kindly note that both sessions will present the same content. The different scheduled times are intended to accommodate as best possible participation from different time zones.

Schedule and registration

Please register a few days in advance of the sessions utilizing the following links:

Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 10:00 (CEST) 

Thursday, 29 October 2020, 16:00 (CEST)

To verify your local time for the beginning of these sessions, the following Time Zone Converter can be consulted.

Additional information on both sessions can be found on the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions website at:


Organisation Name:

UNEP/BRS Secretariat

Organisation website:

Visit the website







To be confirmed


Description: We would like to promote the E-waste challenge Massive Online Course available at:

We are organizing webinars on recycling and on e-waste generation. Will be available on this page

We are circulating the information on the International E-waste Day among the members and the observers of Follow up Partnership to PACE, promoting their participation.

In addition, in the context of the celebrations for the International E-waste Day, 2020, we would like to invite you to participate in an E-waste Challenge MOOC live event. The webinar sessions will include a lecture on e-waste inclusive recycling by Ms. Sonia Valdivia from the World Resources Forum. Come and learn how the new E-waste challenge MOOC has been updated and is proposed in five mini-courses. This lecture is part of course five on e-waste sustainable recycling practices.

Kindly note that both sessions will present the same content. The different scheduled times are intended to accommodate as best possible participation from different time zones.

Schedule and registration

Please register a few days in advance of the sessions utilizing the following links:

Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 10:00 (CEST) 

Thursday, 29 October 2020, 16:00 (CEST)

To verify your local time for the beginning of these sessions, the following Time Zone Converter can be consulted.

Additional information on both sessions can be found on the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions website at:



The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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