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Appliances Recycling s.a.

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Public Campaign - Social media, News release

Description: The activities of Appliances Recycling for IEWD will be confirmed in the coming months.
WEEE Forum member

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14th October 2020


School campaign or collection

Description: Fotokiklosi’s E-Waste event will take place in two schools, located in Athens. The objective is that 150 children of primary school and 50 children of elementary school will participate and enjoy learning the valuable lesson of proper WEEE management.

Executive staff of the System will introduce Fotokiklosi to the students, its objective, its goals, locations of the collection points, proper disposal of all WEEE and the importance of every single one’s action to saving the environment.

Additionally, a theatrical interactive play will take place. 4 professional actors will entertain the students and in the meantime educate them. The play is based on the book ‘The Guardians of Nature: Fotis, Fotoula and Fotokiklosi’, sponsored and distributed by Fotokiklosi. Both the book and play are written by an environmental Professor, long-time and esteemed partner to Fotokiklosi.

Fotokiklosi’s E-Waste 2-day event will be hosted in two islands of Cyclades, Kimolos and Milos. The theatrical interactive play, based on the book ‘The Guardians of Nature: Fotis, Fotoula and Fotokiklosi’ will take place on the 13th of October in Kimolos’ primary school and on the 14th of October in Milos’ primary school. All students and parents are invited, taking all the necessary precautions against Covid-19. The play will be broadcasted through live streaming, on Facebook, sending to all the message of proper disposal of all WEEE. The book, sponsored by Fotokiklosi, will be given to all students who participate. Both the book and play are written by an environmental Professor, long-time and esteemed partner to Fotokiklosi.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

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