WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:

E-waste Producer Responsibility Organization of Nigeria (EPRON)

Organisation website:

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October 2020


School campaign or collection

Description: Project 

The “E-Waste & I” project is built on the premise that children are active propagators of whatever they believe and can serve as effective ambassadors of change. The project therefore aims to create awareness about E-waste and the value of environmentally sound collection and recycling using children within the age group of 7 – 12 years. This will enable them to become envoys of the E-waste issues within their sphere of influence.

Project Objectives

The E-waste and I project will engage school children acquiring basic education and fulfill the following objectives;

  • Create an early introduction on e-waste and the hazardous consequences of its mismanagement to a younger generation of kids;

  • Provide a platform for kids to contribute to issues that directly affect their world;

  • Challenge the children to be part of the solution to burning global issues and be agents of change;

  • Open the mind of the children to economic opportunities associated with responsible e-waste recycling;

  • Set the foundation for the inclusion of children in effective e-waste management solution;

  • Begin a dialogue on e-waste and the challenges it poses;

  • Incorporate the girl child in creating science-based solution to global issues;

  • Pilot the initial stages of infusing the knowledge about e-waste management in the education sector;

  • Foster partnerships with multiple institutions, laying the foundation for collaboration in bigger projects;

  • Raise awareness on e-waste generally; and

  • Inform people about effective management alternatives to the current harmful practices.

Target Audience

This project will primarily target the participating kids (with equal representation of boys and girls) and their schools. The secondary target are Families, Businesses, Media and the general public.

Project Approach

The project will be a delivery of different educational activities on the same day including a debate a quiz competition and a response from kids.


The Debate

The debate will feature four schools from Abuja and Lagos only. Two schools will each present and oppose a motion on an important e-waste related topic. Likely topics will be:

-           Circular Economy the definite approach to solving the e-waste Crisis in Nigeria

-           Environmentally sound e-waste management an effective means to advancing the climate action

The debate is targeted at children in junior secondary schools. Each of the schools will be informed prior to the event about the debate topic in order to properly prepare for which ever position they will hold in the debate. The schools will also be provided with access to materials that will enable their students prepare effectively for the debate. Three students will represent their schools, one as the main speaker, one as the support speaker and another student to fill a contingency arrangement in case there is network challenge or any other unforeseen occurrences on the part of either of the two speakers.

The debate will comprise of six presentations delivered by two teams of two members, representing the Proposition and Opposition sides. Each of the main speakers will present their points for three minutes each, their support speakers will have the floor for another two minutes each and the main speakers will give a one-minute wrap up presentation.

The debate session will therefore last for twenty minutes in all with a margin of network issues of about five minutes. A four-man panel with three judges including the debate chair and one time keeper will officiate the event.

The winners will each receive a prize while each of the participants will receive a gift.

Quiz Competition

A Quiz containing a total of 36 questions that will see kids answering to daily e-waste management issues and effective solutions to address them will be created. These questions will be developed from materials that would have been pre-provided to the kids. Following which it will be used to test their knowledge around e-waste facts.

Six pupils in primary 4-6 one from each geo-political zone of the Country will participate in the main competition. Opportunities to answer questions with wrong answers will be given to a pre-arranged audience also from the same schools as bonus questions. This pre-arranged audience will be two pupils each from the participating schools.

A moderator also from the participating organizations will administer the questions and score the kids on each of the points. Another person will also update the score board real time to ensure transparency.  The best three schools will receive a price, even though all the participants will get gifts for participating.

Quiz Competition

A Quiz containing a total of 36 questions that will see kids answering to daily e-waste management issues and effective solutions to address them will be created. These questions will be developed from materials that would have been pre-provided to the kids. Following which it will be used to test their knowledge around e-waste facts.

Six pupils in primary 4-6 one from each geo-political zone of the Country will participate in the main competition. Opportunities to answer questions with wrong answers will be given to a pre-arranged audience also from the same schools as bonus questions. This pre-arranged audience will be two pupils each from the participating schools.

A moderator also from the participating organizations will administer the questions and score the kids on each of the points. Another person will also update the score board real time to ensure transparency.  The best three schools will receive a price, even though all the participants will get gifts for participating.


Organisation Name:

Closing the Loop

Organisation website:

Visit the website

Activity website:

Visit the website





Netherlands, Nigeria


29 september 2020


Business campaign -Social media, News release, Social media, Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Closing the Loop and Fairphone have partnered with other circular innovators, such as the Dutch government, in a project that is likely to become a game-changer for the electronics industry -  proving that scrap batteries from Africa can be used to produce clean materials for the future.

In the first-ever shipment of scrap Li-ion batteries from West Africa to Europe, CTL has taken the first step towards proving that these scrap batteries can be a sustainable source for resources.

The results of this pilot have been recorded in a whitepaper. To illustrate the project, Fairphone and Closing the Loop also recorded a podcast.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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