
Organisation Name:

Centre for Mineral Technology

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Rio de Janeiro




October 14th


Public Campaign - Internet news

Description: This is the fifth year that the IEWD will be held by the Mineral Technology Center in Brazil.

The program has the participation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, CETEM, University of São Paulo, SENAI-PR, and companies such as UMICORE, GMCLog, ESSENCIS and others.

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Organisation Name:

Circular Brain

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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from the 8th to the 16th of October


Public collection

Description: Campaign for the correct disposal of Electronic Waste at the biggest event in Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil, Festa do Boi. Starting in November, a campaign will be held for correct disposal in schools in the hinterland region, the first action of its kind carried out in the region.

Organisation Name:

Earth & Life University

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay


12, 13, 14 Octubre 2022



Description: II Latin American Forum on #circulareconomy and #ewaste!

Strategy Circular MX and Earth & Life University, within the framework of the International Electronic Waste Day (#ewasteday), a global initiative of the WEEE Forum that is commemorated every year on October 14, co-organize the second edition of:

Latin American Forum on Circular Economy and Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

🗓 October 12, 2022.
⏰ 08:00hrs. to 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
⏰ 09:00hrs. to 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽, Cancun, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.
⏰ 10:00hrs. to 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
⏰ 11:00hrs. to 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.
📌 Free virtual event ( (Access data will be sent to the registered email).
🗓 October 13 and 14, 2022.
⏰ 09:00hrs. to 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
⏰ 10:00hrs. to 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽, Cancun, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.
⏰ 11:00hrs. to 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
⏰ 12:00hrs. to 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.
📌 Virtual event, free registration here 👇🏻
👉🏻 This year, the objective is to boost the development and enrichment of knowledge about small WEEE items, as well as the implementation and development of strategies and business models based on the circular economy, under the motto:
Recycle everything, no matter how small!.
📕 Official Program:
🎯 Day 1. 12 October 2022.
➡️ Keynote Lecture*: Mr. Walter R. Stahel, Swiss architect, founder and director of the Product-Life Institute (Switzerland) promotes the understanding of the structure of a loop economy and its drivers and obstacles (circular industrial economy).
* In English.
Panel 1: Current situation of WEEE in Latin America.
Panel 2: Legislation on circular economy and WEEE's.
Day 2. October 13, 2022.
Panel 3: Public policies and standardization on circular economy and WEEE.
Panel 4: EEE's and Extended Producer Responsibility.
Day 3. October 14, 2022.
Panel 5: Entrepreneurship, research and development to reduce WEEE.
Panel 6: Challenges and opportunities in WEEE's management.
We are waiting for you!

II Latin American Forum on #circulareconomy and #raees!

💚 Estrategia Circular MX y Earth & Life University, en el marco del Día Internacional de los Residuos Electrónicos (#ewasteday), una iniciativa global del Foro RAEE que se conmemora cada año el 14 de octubre, co-organizan la segunda edición del:

Foro Latinoamericano de Economía Circular y Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos.

🗓 12 de octubre de 2022.

⏰ 08:00hrs. a las 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras.
⏰ 09:00hrs. a las 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽 , Cancún, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú.
⏰ 10:00hrs. a las 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.
⏰ 11:00hrs. a las 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay.
📌 Evento virtual gratuito ( (Los datos de acceso se enviarán al correo electrónico registrado).

🗓 13 y 14 de octubre de 2022.

⏰ 09:00hrs. a las 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras.
⏰ 10:00hrs. a las 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽 , Cancún, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú.
⏰ 11:00hrs. a las 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.
⏰ 12:00hrs. a las 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay.

📌 Evento virtual, inscripción gratuita aquí 👇🏻

👉🏻 Este año, el objetivo es impulsar el desarrollo y enriquecimiento del conocimiento sobre los pequeños RAEE, así como la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias y modelos de negocio basados en la economía circular, bajo el lema:

Recicla todo, ¡por pequeño que sea!.

📕 Programa Oficial:

🎯 Día 1. 12 de octubre de 2022.

➡️ Conferencia magistral*: El Sr. Walter R. Stahel, arquitecto suizo, fundador y director del Product-Life Institute (Suiza) promueve la comprensión de la estructura de una economía de bucle y sus impulsores y obstáculos (economía industrial circular).

* En inglés.

Panel 1: Situación actual de los RAEE en América Latina.
Panel 2: Legislación sobre economía circular y RAEE.

Día 2. 13 de octubre de 2022.

Panel 3: Políticas públicas y estandarización sobre economía circular y RAEE.
Panel 4: EEE y Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor.

Día 3. 14 de octubre de 2022.

Panel 5: Emprendimiento, investigación y desarrollo para reducir los RAEE.
Panel 6: Retos y oportunidades en la gestión de los RAEE.

¡Te esperamos!


Organisation Name:

FMV Engenharia

Organisation website:

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Ribeirão Preto




October 14, 15, 16 and 17


Public collection

Description: Actions will be carried out in residential condominiums, where a box will be made available for families to dispose of these materials. Afterwards, these residues will be selected and disposed of correctly, ending their life cycle. Let's connect people and encourage them to recycle their e-wates, then give the proper destination and preserve our planet.

Organisation Name:

Green Eletron

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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São Paulo




September and October


Public Campaign - Social media, Public Campaign - Internet news

Description: The initiatives this year will begin in September with a press trip to one of the WEEE recyclers in Brazil to show the media the process and the importance of the right disposal of e-waste. This will generate media content that will bring awareness to thousands of people in Brazil.

Also, in October, we will launch an official Green Eletron stamp so brands that are part of the system can show the consumers that they are responsable and are following the legislation.

We will have also social media content and press kits sent out to journalist and influencers of the Bahia State.

Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Belo Horizonte and Cuiabá






Public collection


Electronic waste recycling day in supermarkets in the cities of Belo Horizonte and Cuiabá in Brazil.

Environmental, social and economic project designed to correctly dispose of electronic waste, which aims to propose an action aimed at contributing to an awareness of people who frequent the supermarket, in the treatment of obsolete or disused equipment, establishing an environment of recycling-oriented community.

It has the attitude of opportunities for the economy of secondary horizons, through expanding the time of the eyes of the community and awards while strengthening the image in relation to the protection of the environment of its community.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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