
Organisation Name:

Colegio de Profesionales en Criminología de Costa Rica

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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San José


Costa Rica




Public Campaign - Social media

Description: A publication is made on Social Networks about the National campaign, inviting members to participate by bringing their electronic devices that no longer work to the school and depositing them in the containers that are at the entrance.
Two publications are made on Social Networks on the International Day of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE.

  1. Se realiza una publicación en Redes Sociales sobre la campaña Nacional, invitando a los agremiados a participar trayendo sus dispositivos electrónicos que ya no funcionen al colegio y depositarlos en los recipientes que están en la entrada.

  2. Se realizan 2 publicaciones en Redes Sociales sobre el día Internacional de los Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos RAEE.


Organisation Name:

Earth & Life University

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay


12, 13, 14 Octubre 2022



Description: II Latin American Forum on #circulareconomy and #ewaste!

Strategy Circular MX and Earth & Life University, within the framework of the International Electronic Waste Day (#ewasteday), a global initiative of the WEEE Forum that is commemorated every year on October 14, co-organize the second edition of:

Latin American Forum on Circular Economy and Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment.

🗓 October 12, 2022.
⏰ 08:00hrs. to 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
⏰ 09:00hrs. to 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽, Cancun, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.
⏰ 10:00hrs. to 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
⏰ 11:00hrs. to 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.
📌 Free virtual event ( (Access data will be sent to the registered email).
🗓 October 13 and 14, 2022.
⏰ 09:00hrs. to 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
⏰ 10:00hrs. to 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽, Cancun, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama and Peru.
⏰ 11:00hrs. to 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.
⏰ 12:00hrs. to 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay.
📌 Virtual event, free registration here 👇🏻
👉🏻 This year, the objective is to boost the development and enrichment of knowledge about small WEEE items, as well as the implementation and development of strategies and business models based on the circular economy, under the motto:
Recycle everything, no matter how small!.
📕 Official Program:
🎯 Day 1. 12 October 2022.
➡️ Keynote Lecture*: Mr. Walter R. Stahel, Swiss architect, founder and director of the Product-Life Institute (Switzerland) promotes the understanding of the structure of a loop economy and its drivers and obstacles (circular industrial economy).
* In English.
Panel 1: Current situation of WEEE in Latin America.
Panel 2: Legislation on circular economy and WEEE's.
Day 2. October 13, 2022.
Panel 3: Public policies and standardization on circular economy and WEEE.
Panel 4: EEE's and Extended Producer Responsibility.
Day 3. October 14, 2022.
Panel 5: Entrepreneurship, research and development to reduce WEEE.
Panel 6: Challenges and opportunities in WEEE's management.
We are waiting for you!

II Latin American Forum on #circulareconomy and #raees!

💚 Estrategia Circular MX y Earth & Life University, en el marco del Día Internacional de los Residuos Electrónicos (#ewasteday), una iniciativa global del Foro RAEE que se conmemora cada año el 14 de octubre, co-organizan la segunda edición del:

Foro Latinoamericano de Economía Circular y Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos.

🗓 12 de octubre de 2022.

⏰ 08:00hrs. a las 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras.
⏰ 09:00hrs. a las 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽 , Cancún, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú.
⏰ 10:00hrs. a las 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.
⏰ 11:00hrs. a las 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay.
📌 Evento virtual gratuito ( (Los datos de acceso se enviarán al correo electrónico registrado).

🗓 13 y 14 de octubre de 2022.

⏰ 09:00hrs. a las 11:00hrs. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras.
⏰ 10:00hrs. a las 13:00hrs. 🇲🇽 , Cancún, Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá y Perú.
⏰ 11:00hrs. a las 14:00hrs. Bolivia, Paraguay, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana.
⏰ 12:00hrs. a las 15:00hrs. Argentina, Brasil, Chile y Uruguay.

📌 Evento virtual, inscripción gratuita aquí 👇🏻

👉🏻 Este año, el objetivo es impulsar el desarrollo y enriquecimiento del conocimiento sobre los pequeños RAEE, así como la implantación y desarrollo de estrategias y modelos de negocio basados en la economía circular, bajo el lema:

Recicla todo, ¡por pequeño que sea!.

📕 Programa Oficial:

🎯 Día 1. 12 de octubre de 2022.

➡️ Conferencia magistral*: El Sr. Walter R. Stahel, arquitecto suizo, fundador y director del Product-Life Institute (Suiza) promueve la comprensión de la estructura de una economía de bucle y sus impulsores y obstáculos (economía industrial circular).

* En inglés.

Panel 1: Situación actual de los RAEE en América Latina.
Panel 2: Legislación sobre economía circular y RAEE.

Día 2. 13 de octubre de 2022.

Panel 3: Políticas públicas y estandarización sobre economía circular y RAEE.
Panel 4: EEE y Responsabilidad Ampliada del Productor.

Día 3. 14 de octubre de 2022.

Panel 5: Emprendimiento, investigación y desarrollo para reducir los RAEE.
Panel 6: Retos y oportunidades en la gestión de los RAEE.

¡Te esperamos!


Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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San José


Costa Rica


October 2022


Public Campaign - Social media, Social media, Public collection

Description: During the month of October we will carry out a digital communication campaign to encourage the delivery and correct management of WEEE in the country. Within this campaign we will include videos hand in hand with brands, educational and dynamic publications (such as IG Live and questions and answers) on social networks to raise awareness about the importance of proper management, the extension of the useful life of EEE and the consumption responsible. We will also generate spaces so that followers and users can leave their doubts and queries about this type of waste.

On the other hand, to encourage the collection of this material, all deliveries made during the month to allied authorized managers and that are reported will receive double points.

In the same way we will carry out a press management.

During the month, consumers will be able to dispose of their WEEE at hundreds of available points in the country.

Durante el mes de octubre realizaremos una campaña de comunicación digital para incentivar la entrega y correcta gestión de los RAEE en el país. Dentro de esta campaña incluiremos videos de la mano con marcas, publicaciones educativas y dinámicas (como IG Live y preguntas y respuestas) en redes sociales para concientizar sobre la importancia de la correcta gestión, la extensión de la vida útil de los AEE y el consumo responsable. Además generaremos espacios para que los seguidores y usuarios puedan dejar sus dudas y consultas sobre este tipo de residuos.

Por otro lado para incentivar la recolección de este material, todas las entregas realziadas durante el mes a los gestores autorizados aliados y que sean reportadas recibirán el doble de puntos.

De igual forma realizaremos una gestión de prensa.

Durante el mes los consumidores podrán disponer sus RAEE en cientos de puntos disponibles en el país.

Organisation Name:

Ferretería EPA Costa Rica

Organisation website:

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San José


Costa Rica


Viernes 7 de octubre, viernes 4 de noviembre y viernes 2 de noviembre.


Public Campaign - Social media, Social media, Public collection

Description: Hand in hand with ecoins, the regional platform that rewards commitment to recycling, and SOLIRSA (authorized manager of WEEE in Cposta Rica), EPA organizes every first Friday of each month a WEEE collection campaign in its 5 stores (Belén, Tibás, Escazú, Curridabat and Desamparados). These campaigns are announced through the EPA and ecoins social media channels, raising awareness and educating about the importance of correctly managing WEEE.

De la mano de ecoins, la plataforma regional que premia el compromiso con el reciclaje, y SOLIRSA (gestor autorizado de RAEE en Cposta Rica), EPA  organiza cada primer viernes de cada mes una campaña de recolección de RAEE en sus 5 tiendas (Belén, Tibás, Escazú, Curridabat y Desamparados). A través de los canales de redes sociales de EPA e ecoins se anuncian estas campañas y se concientiza y educa sobre la importancia de gestionar correctamente los RAEE.

Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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San Jose


Costa Rica




Public Campaign - Internet news, Public Campaign - Social media, Public Campaign - TV news

Description: A public-private cooperation between GIZ german cooperation, FORTECH, and local governments and electronical equipment workshops is being developed in order to capture and collect bigger volumes of WEEE in Costa Rica. The project consists of three main objectives: increasing education on the importance of WEEE recycling and informing the public about established collection points, developing a modern, enviromentally safe recycling process, and establishing alliances between the private and the public institutions in Costa Rica. The model is scalable and is envisioned to expand around the central american region.

Fortech, a Costa Rican company with more than 25 years of experience in the recycling and chemical industry, developed its own innovative technology to extract strategic metals contained in cell phones, laptops and small appliances, as well as bicycles, scooters and electric vehicles and their batteries.

SIMEC is a zero-waste procedure, of maximum material recovery, which incorporates an environmentally appropriate solution to ensure the circularity of lithium battery production processes, guaranteeing the sustainability of electric mobility and the sustainable production of electrical and electronic devices.


Organisation Name:

IS Productos de oficina

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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San jose


Costa Rica


October 18 from 8 am - 4 pm October 20 from 8 am - 4 pm October 25 from 8 am - 4 pm October 27 from 8 am - 4 pm


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: IS Productos de oficina is a technology company dedicated to provide innovative solutions in different areas, but above all we care about generating a social and environmental impact on our clients and society in general. 

Committed to the international electronic and electrical waste day (WEEE), this October 14 we join the national plan with the aim of enhancing the recycling profile of this type of waste and promoting its proper management around the world.

We will be collecting all kind of E Waste in the facilities of I.S. Corporation


Organisation Name:

Operadora de Pensiones Complementarias y de Capitalización Laboral de la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (OPC-CCSS)

Organisation website:

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San José


Costa Rica


Mes de octubre


Campaña de recolección interna

Description: OPC-CCSS 2022 electrical and electronic waste collection campaign

An electrical and electronic waste collection campaign will be carried out for the entire month of October 2022 so that the OPC-CCSS collaborators take from their homes the waste that they have without use and of which it is necessary to give them adequate management. This waste will be delivered to an authorized manager for proper treatment.

There is an area in the company for employees to place waste, which will then be weighed before delivery to the manager. In addition, collaborators who are teleworking from home are being invited so that they can deliver waste to different authorized collection points throughout the country. They are requested to send the photographs that demonstrate the delivery of the waste.

We do this action as part of our responsibility to contribute to good actions to care for the planet, as well as as part of our Environmental Management Program, in which we establish objectives, goals and environmental measures for the environment.

Campaña de recolección de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos OPC-CCSS 2022

Se realizará una campaña de recolección de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos para todo el mes de octubre de 2022 para que los colaboradores de la OPC-CCSS lleven de sus hogares los residuos que tienen sin uso y de los cuales es necesario darles una gestión adecuada. Estos residuos se estarán entregando a un gestor autorizado para su debido tratamiento.

Se cuenta con un área en la empresa destinada para que los colaboradores coloquen los residuos, los cuales posteriormente se estarán pesando antes de su entrega al gestor. Además se les está invitando a los colaboradores que se encuentran teletrabajando en sus casas para que puedan hacer la entrega de los residuos en distintos puntos de recolección autorizados a lo largo de todo el país. Se les solicita enviar las fotografías que demuestren la entrega de los residuos.

Esta acción la hacemos como parte de nuestra responsabilidad de aportar a las buenas acciones para cuidar al planeta, así mismo como parte de nuestro Programa de Gestión Ambiental, en el cual establecemos objetivos, metas y medidas ambientales en pro del ambiente.

Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru


Throughout October


Public Campaign - Social media, Social media

Description: To celebrate International E-waste Day, a wide range of activities will be carried out under the UNIDO-GEF LAC E-waste project (PREAL), including a media tour visiting two WEEE management plants in Guatemala and interviews with plant managers. Further, a number of events are set to take place in Peru with the involvement of various entities and stakeholders. In Costa Rica, various social media campaigns and awareness raising initiatives will be held, among other activities.

Organisation Name:

PREAL Costa Rica

Organisation website:

Visit the website

Activity website:

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San José


Costa Rica


The whole month of October, 2022


Public Campaign - Internet news

Description: Video about the implementation of the WEEE Communication Strategy in Costa Rica and additional actions to improve the WEEE ecosystem

Invitation to the actors involved in the WEEE ecosystem (Municipalities, E-waste Industries and Producer Responsibility Organizations, among others) to carry out activities within the IEWD framework

Dissemination management with the press and communication media on the progress in modernizing national regulations and the establishment of collection goals for WEEE

Update the databases of stakeholders and their participation in the WEEE ecosystem to improve information systems for the services of consumers


Organisation Name:

Soluciones Integrales en Reciclaje S.A

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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San José


Costa Rica


Del Jueves 06 al Viernes 14 de octubre del 2022.


Conference, Workshop, Public Campaign - TV news, Social media, Business campaign -Social media, Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Organizamos una agenda de trabajo para la semana del 10 al 14 de Octubre, la cuál abarcó distintas actividades:

  • Posteos diarios en Facebook e Instragram de tips y datos informativos acerca de la gestión de RAEE en Costa Rica y el mundo.

  • Charlas y capacitación a municipios y empresas privadas.

  • Un sorteo en redes sociales incentivando a la gestión responsable de RAEE en cada hogar.

  • Un foro virtual llamado "RAEE: ¿Qué son y por qué debemos reciclarlos? con invitados especiales como representantes del Ministerio de Salud, PREAL, Unidad de cumplimiento ASEGIRE y organización total de SOLIRSA.

  • Campaña gratuita para hogares y particulares durante dos semanas completas.

  • Reportajes de TV y Radio en medios de comunicación costarricense.


Organisation Name:

Universidad EARTH

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Costa Rica


10-10-2022 al 15-10-2022


School campaign or collection


For the week of October 10 to 15, EARTH University, in celebration of October 14 "International Day of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)" carried out a campaign to collect electrical appliances at its Campus in Guácimo, where a stand for its collection located in the parking lot of the University cafeteria next to an information board decorated by its students.

There was also the collaboration of FORTECH, an organization that offered its collaboration in collecting these devices for their proper management.

In addition, the university community was encouraged to be part of Ecoins by registering and uploading an image of the correct separation of WEEE, promoting adequate collection and also promoting a green economy.

Para la semana del 10 al 15 de octubre la Universidad EARTH en celebración del 14 de octubre "Día Internacional de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos (RAEE)" llevo a cabo una campaña de recolección de aparatos eléctricos en su Campus en Guácimo, donde se colocó un stand para su recolección ubicado en el ranchón del parqueo de cafetería de la Universidad junto a una pizarra informativa decorada por sus estudiantes.

También se tuvo la  colaboración de FORTECH  organización que brindo su colaboración de recolección de estos aparatos para su buena gestión.

Además se incentivo a la comunidad universitaria formar parte de  Ecoins registrándose y subiendo imagen de la correcta separación de RAEE promoviendo una adecuada recolección  y además  impulsando a  una economía verde.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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