WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:

WEEE Ireland

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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3rd - 29th October 2022


Public Campaign - Internet news, Social media, Public collection, Conference, News release, Public Campaign - Radio news, Public Campaign - Social media, School campaign or collection

Description: WEEE Ireland will join fellow WEEE Forum Members, Schemes and organisations around the world to mark International E-Waste Day on 14th October 2022.

In and around this date, for the month of October we have scheduled the following activities and promotion:
- Series of weekly free public e-waste collection day events
- Series of half day free public electrical collection 'travelling' events
- A four week national e-waste recycling awareness advertising campaign across radio, digital display, digital native content and social media
- Our annual Members Webinar Conference with expert speakers and panels
- National and Regional PR, social media campaign and web content supporting the International E-Waste Day collective messaging
- Dissemination of key graphics, messaging and collateral to all of our Members and key stakeholders to amplify the International E-Waste Day 2022 message
- Our rebranded/relaunched 2022/2023 Schools Battery Recycling Challenge will feature and drive the day

Organisation Name:

European Electronics Recyclers Association

Organisation website:

Visit the website





Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom


July - October


Members Photo Competition

Description: EERA are holding a competition for Members to collect and share photographs from Members with the topic “Unusual Small E-WASTE discoveries

Between now and the 6th September we have asked Members to take a look around their facilities, or local municipal collection sites or locality etc. to find good examples of old / unusual small WEEE.

The entries will be considered by the Board and the winners announced at our Members Meeting on 4th Oct. and the winning photos shared on our Social Media on the 14th Oct to celebrate the Int. E-WASTE event.

Our Members operate over 800 E-WASTE re-use and treatment facilities in twenty-two countries across the continent of Europe.

Organisation Name:

KMK Metals Recycling

Organisation website:

Visit the website







September and October


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: We are running a four-part competition over four weeks to promote the recycling of small household waste. The competition will run on our website and social media platforms.

Organisation Name:

Quality Council of India

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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India, Ireland


27th Aug-4th Sept 2022



Description: I have pursued my PhD in Electronic waste management and is a Gold medalist from the University of Delhi. In addition to this, I have presented my research work at national and international forums and have a number of published articles in books, journals and magazines to my credit. I also worked with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt. of India as a Programme Fellow in Smart Cities Mission.

I had applied for EWAS Scientists – 2022 edition Program (https://www.scycle.info/applications-are-now-open-for-the-ewas-2022/) two months back which is a prestigious and one of its kind of exclusive program for E-waste Scientists and Scholars.

I am happy to share that based on the quality and importance of my research work, I was been selected to attend the above Program on the theme Managing valuable and hazardous materials in e-waste: the route to circularity’ organised by United Nations Institute for Training and Research. The training was held from 27th August – 3rd September 2022.  The aim of the EWAS was to expose participants to diverse normative and positive perspectives about e-waste management and provide multiple teaching and learning methodologies. It also provided them with an opportunity to exchange knowledge and implement the same in their respective countries.

The topic is so close to my heart that I am doing all such efforts on my own to disseminate knowledge.

Organisation Name:

Recycle IT

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

Visit the website







October 1st 2022 - December 31st 2022


Public collection

Description: Our aim is to ensure electronic recycling is easy, free or affordable for householders, business customers and community organisations depending on need. We offer convenient and safe recycling solutions for old, damaged or unused electrical, electronic equipment. During the last 3 months of 2022 www.recycleit.ie in Dublin will be focusing on recycling an increased amount of small electrical items from apartments in Dublin with the aim of increasing recycling and reducing disposal of e-waste in gerneal waste.

Organisation Name:


Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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14th of October


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Votechnik will run a social media campaign on the recovery of rare materials contained in small electronic devices. The campaign will focus on Indium, a rare material found as indium tin oxide in most devices that have an LCD screen, small and big – mobile phones, tablets, ipads etc, and not only in large LCD TVs and flat panel computer monitors. Due to the scarcity of Indium and supply chain dependencies to the main producer (China), it is important that all LCD display devices, big and small, are recycled correctly, so that LCD panels do not end up in landfill, allowing for processes to be developed for Indium recovery.

Votechnik is not only providing state-of-the-art large LCD panel processing and depollution equipment, Votechnik is also working with an international consortium to develop such Indium recovery processes. To keep in touch about these issues and to follow the progress Votechnik is making towards Indium recovery and all matters of LCD TV recycling, please follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and sign up to our newsletter at votechnik.com.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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