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October 14th - or week 41.


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Norsirk and the other Nordic take back schemes are promoting a Recyclable Advert (www.therecyclableadvert) that everyone (!!!) can download and promote in different social media. Read the press release here:

The Recyclable Advert – recycled again!

 One year has passed since the last campaign. Now it’s back, and in line with our message; be circular, the campaign film is being reused, it’s circular it’s, upcycled. With this newsletter, we want to remind you about International E-Waste Day which is on the 14th of October, as well as our combined communications efforts for that day, through The Recyclable Advert.


New this year, aside from all the electronics and battery collection systems in the Nordics joining the campaign, which is amazing really, is that this year the key messaging is on, being circular. Which is evident from our campaign website and material produced. Our never-ending mantra focusing on consumers, as well as us, our organisations, need to become better at recycling, reusing, becoming more, circular. It is up to us, in the electronics and batteries industry, and all stakeholders that need to step it up, and together communicate this better. Which we are absolutely doing this year. We want everyone to join us.


As we are again, with all collection systems in unison, communicating the same campaign, on a united message, as a united industry, which understands the problems and the seriousness of taking care of the materials in electronics and batteries. It is equally important that we all do this together. Which is again, quite fantastic. But it is of vital importance that consumers also understand the importance of becoming circular, through recycling and reuse. If we are to achieve a switch towards a more sustainable industry, a circular future is our only way forwards. And, we can only get there, by working together, so join our campaign, it is as per usual, free to join.


So please do join us, download your free campaign film, either with your logo or without, the campaign can be found at https://therecyclableadvert.com.


We’ll see you online in October.


Here’s to a great autumn and of course a huge online viewership of the campaign across our combined Social Media Channels. Thanks for your efforts. Let’s do this, together!


Sincerest regards,



The Recyclable Advert


In partnership with:

El-Kretsen, Recipo, Renas, Norsirk, ERP, Batteriåtervinning,

WEEE Forum member

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Recipo Ekonomisk Förening

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Denmark, Norway, Sweden


10-16th of October 2022


Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Recipo in Sweden, Norway and Denmark are jointly financing The Recyclable Advert with Elkretsen, BIF, Renas, Norsirk, ERP-Norway and ERP-Denmark for an information campaign during the week of IEWD.

This years' campaign introduces the concept of being 'circular' through re-use and recycling. Being a circular campaign, The Recyclable Advert will be re-using footage from previous campaigns, with a new Voice Over.

As usual, the campaign is free for all organisations to use and share on their SoMe platforms in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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