WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:

Fundación ECOLEC

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09/20 to 10/14


Public collection

Description: #GreenWeek, seeks to raise aware among the citizenry of the need for proper environmental management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) using information points installed in transit areas of the cities where we carry out the action.


#GreenWeek21 has been present in thirteen Spanish capitals in seven Regions since 20th September; International E-Waste Day closes the action in 2021 in the city of Seville, with all cities enjoying the institutional support of municipalities and local institutions.


#GreenWeek is accompanied by a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) action according to which for every kilogramme of WEEE collected at the information points, ECOLEC commits to planting a tree in a Protected Natural Area.
WEEE Forum member

Organisation Name:

Fundación Ecotic

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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Business collection

Description: Sustainable Digitalisation is an solidary initiative to close the digital gap and prevent WEEE by preparing for reuse IT equipment coming from companies accross Spain.

Fundación CEOE is one of the main collaborators which has helped to forge alliances between companies, PROs, reuse operators and NGOs which will receive the reaccondicioned equipment.
WEEE Forum member

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From June 2021 to june 2022


Social media, News release, Public Campaign - Internet news, Public Campaign - Social media

Description: Recyclia,through the Ecoasimelec foundation and the Tragamóvil brand,started on June 18 the pilot campaign "Reuse of mobile phones" framed in the region of Catalonia. The action consists of installing some Tragamóvil containers in four Movistar stores. The containers will reflect the image of the campaign in the film and will also have installed a box with informative brochures of the campaign. In addition, the container will also have a QR code to access the campaign website. The campaign has three objectives:

Awareness Objective: To inform citizens about the positive impacts generated by the correct management of mobile terminals.

Environmental Objective: The telephones deposited in the containers are classified into two groups (reuse or recycling). If the device can be reused, technologies will be used to ensure the traceability of the terminals as well as the erasure of data. For each mobile phone reused, 400 liters of water are saved, the emission of 30 kg of CO2 is avoided and the extraction and consumption of 40 kg of raw materials is avoided. The entity in charge of this work is USOdy.

Social Objective: The campaign collaborates with entities that provide work to people at risk of social exclusion (Andrómines and Trinijove Foundation).

Organisation Name:

Revertia, reusing and recycling, S.L.

Organisation website:

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Activity website:

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14th October 2021


Social media

Description: For the occasion of the International E-Waste day revertia will promote audiovisual material on the correct management of WEEE and the different processes applied by the company to extend the useful life of the equipment, especially the computer and technological ones. Revertia is an authorised WEEE manager that combines e-waste management services with a circular value proposal consisting in the preparation of IT equipment for reuse. The company responsibly manages an e-waste flow and, by applying secure reconditioning processes, is able to extend the service life of IT equipment that has been discarded. The activity of preparation for reuse also involves the utilization, to the extent possible, of used and recycled components. One of the most innovative aspects of the services portfolio is the carbon footprint analysis. Revertia offers the possibility to quantify the customers’ CO2 emissions resulting from preparing IT equipment for reuse compared to manufacturing new devices.


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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