
ENVIDOM – the Association of producers of appliances for recycling was established as a non-profit association of special interest of private entities in March 2005 by the 10 of the largest producers/importers operating in Slovak republic.

Legal background

In 2001 the Slovak government issued the Act on Waste No. 223/2001 as a legal base ruling the handling with waste. WEEE Directive was transposed to Slovak legal system through the Amendment of the Act on Waste No. 733/2004 from December 2, 2004.

In 17.3. 2015 was adopted new Act on waste No. 79/2015 and several decree related to WEEE issued by Ministry of Environment:

  • Decree No. 371/2015 Z. z., applications and permits for handling with waste
  • Decree No. 365/2015 Z. z., waste catalog
  • Decree No. 366/2015 Z. z. Waste evidence and reporting
  • Decree No. 373/2015 Z. z. Extended producers responsibility and management with specific waste

The legislation sets down:

  • the obligation of producers/importers to ensure take-back, separate collection, collection targets, transport, recycling, recovery and environmentally sounded disposal of WEEE
  • the obligation of consumers to hand in an end-of-life appliance to the take-back or separate collection system
  • the obligation of producers/importers to ensure the collection of each kilogram of WEEE on the whole territory of Slovakia. Producers obligation is set down by their market share
  • Permits and authorization for Producers responsibility organization
  • Establishment and operation of the Coordination body for handling with WEEE

The legislation does not set down an obligation to municipalities to ensure the separate collection of WEEE. Municipalities are only obliged to provide producers/importers with their collection capacities and are allowed to ask for cost compensation. Nor retailers are obliged to realize the take back of any appliances.

Producers/importers are obliged to meet the collection and recovery targets set down by the governmental decree. Otherwise they have to pay penalty from up to 150 000 €, PRO up to 200 000€ and will lost the authorization immediately.

Start of operations: 13 August 2005


Since foundation the number of ENVIDOM members increased to 289 direct participants. ENVIDOM represents interests of manufacturers who make up 30% household appliances market in Slovakia.

Categories covered

LHHAfully covered
SHHAfully covered
IT&Tfully covered
CEfully covered
Lightingnot covered
Toolsfully covered
Toys/Leisure/Sportsfully covered
Medicalpartially covered
M&Cpartially covered
Autom. Disp.partially covered
PV Panelsnot covered





System Manager:

Peter Valent


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The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

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