About us

RENAS AS is a non-profit company founded in 1997 by two Norwegian industry organizations The Federation of Norwegian Industries and Elektroforeningen (The Electro Association). In 1999 RENAS went operational with a nation-wide WEEE take-back system to cover collection and treatment, making sure all pollutants were properly handled and material resources were recycled into new products.

WEEE categories covered

RENAS AS covers all categories of equipment listed in the EU-directive, as well as the two categories specific to Norway: ‘Large industrial equipment’ and ‘Large industrial cables’. All of these categories apply regardless of origin, be it households, industrial, or commercial.

Through partnership with other leading take-back systems in Norway we offer fully integrated EPR solutions for packaging and batteries as well as electrical and electronic equipment.


RENAS has close to 3000 members, both Norwegian companies and international members through our AR (Authorised Representative) services.

Categories covered

LHHAfully covered
SHHAfully covered
IT&Tfully covered
CEfully covered
Lightingfully covered
Toolsfully covered
Toys/Leisure/Sportsfully covered
Medicalfully covered
M&Cfully covered
Autom. Disp.fully covered





System Manager:

Bjørn Arild Thon


Download file


The WEEE Forum a.i.s.b.l. is an international association representing 51 producer responsibility organisations across the globe. Together with our members, we are at the forefront of turning the extended producer responsibility principle into an effective electronic waste management policy approach through our combined knowledge of the technical, business and operational aspects of collection, logistics, de-pollution, processing, preparing for reuse and reporting of e-waste. Our mission is to be the world’s foremost e-waste competence centre excelling in the implementation of the circularity principle.

Transparency Register ID 702397445-73.

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Legal Address:
Working From_The Hoxton
Sq. Victoria Régina 1
1210 Brussels


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